July 06, 2020 . 6 min read
I seriously believe that you are using social media in a wrong way. It is interesting to note the growth in the number of social media posts…
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November 13, 2019 . 4 min read
I have started this blog a couple of months ago and venture myself into the Gatsby ecosystem. At the time I was fascinated with the concept…
September 27, 2019 . 7 min read
In this post I intend to go through how could you change the data scheme of your gatsby theme, however I will not be doing it here, but…
September 20, 2019 . 6 min read
This little blog is starting to look a bit better, however there are still a couple of things that I would like to implement before…
September 12, 2019 . 12 min read
And here I am, a couple of weeks of starting my blog, now with a couple of posts. Not yet what I want or like, but a very nice work in…
August 23, 2019 . 6 min read
This is, I hope, one of many posts where I will try to explain the challenges of setting a very simple blog with Gatsby from a newbie…
August 22, 2019 . 3 min read
Why am I wasting time with this? Why am I using Gatsby, but more importantly why am I writing a blog in the first place? That is a very good…